48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva (IEIG)

The Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre (ABIC) excelled at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, held at Palexpo, Switzerland from 26 to 30 April 2023, by winning a Gold Medal and a Bronze Medal respectively.

The ABIC  award-winning projects are:

Gold Medal

  • DipµChip – Capillary Microfluidic Platform for Point-of-care Diagnostics
  • Prof. Anderson Shum, Dr. Hassan Sammer Ul, Mr. Nicky Lee. 

Bronze Medal

  • Aptasensor for Sepsis Diagnostic
  • Prof. Julian Tanner, Dr. Louisa Lo, and Dr. William Whitehouse

This international recognition symbolizes the pioneering success of the Centre’s commercialization of research achievements. ABIC will continue translating advanced biomedical instrumentation from research and development into tangible solutions with deep-tech innovations.